
Commercial Fuels

Stop wasting time. Improve your team's efficiency and stay on the move with Carnegie Fuels.

Running machinery and a vehicle fleet ourselves we recognise the importance of keeping everyone on the move. We want you to feel like we’re always there, whether that is a regular top-up or an emergency call out. We are the local fuel partner you can rely on for your business operations.

How much time could you be saving if your drivers weren’t having to divert to a fuel station all the time?

If you have a fleet of vehicles, investing in a DERV tank for your workplace can be money well spent. Living in the country, diverting to a fuel station can be a long round trip with precious labour hours eaten up every other day which could have been charged out to a client; total that up over a year and the results could be scary!

Contact us to find out how a DERV tank could help increase profitability in your business.

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Commercial Fuel Types

Red Diesel / Gas Oil

Red Diesel is the same as DERV; however, it has a red dye running through it. Tractor diesel as it is also known, can only be used in off-road vehicles and machinery as it has a lower tax rate applied to it. The red dye identifies it, and ensures no-one uses the lower tax fuel if they shouldn’t. Being caught using it for something unauthorised can lead to high penalties, and/or potentially a jail sentence - it is just not worth the risk.


DERV stands for Diesel-engined road vehicle, and is the trade name often used to describe the road fuel used by most lorries, buses, vans and cars. We also know it as white diesel or road diesel as it is the same as what you see on most fuel forecourts in the UK.

Dedicated account support

When you partner with Carnegie Fuels, you can request a dedicated representative to look after you. Whether it be one particular member of the office team or the sales representative based in your area, you can be assured they will get to know your business needs and be proactive with their customer care, helping you to get the most from our service so that we can help improve your business efficiency.

Enquire about a business account

Fuel Tanks

Considering the benefits of onsite fuel storage?

Buying fuel in bulk, not only means that you save on price but your fleet are also not having to regularly divert to a fuel station. If you are considering onsite fuel storage for your business, speak to our specialist, Ron, who has over 20 years of experience. He will be able to advise you on the tanks based on your consumption levels, ensuring that you feel confident in your decision.

Operating machinery positioned in a hard to reach locations? Enquire about the Kingspan TruckMaster range, it is fully portable to help improve your efficiency.

Contact us to find out how a DERV tank could help increase profitability in your business.

Case Study:
Powerwasher Services

We need to keep our vans on the road to maintain our reputation for excellent  customer service and maximising our productivity. 
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